Monday, 7 March 2011

Music magazine: The making of my second draft for my front cover.

gif animators

This is a gif to show the different stages i went through to complete the second draft of my front cover, for my music magazine. After looking at Sugar magazine, and reevaluating my original draft, i have made many changes on my front cover.

I changed:
  1. The advertisement on the left hand side. Instead of having several possible features listed, i decided to change it to a bright advertisement for upcoming festivals, and websites that sell band merchandise.
  2. The quote from "Josie Stuart".
  3. Instead of having the artists under the "Free Posters!" subheading in bright colours that follow the same theme as the title, i made it black and white, as after looking at my Sugar research, i realised that it does not follow that theme. I also made it slightly smaller
  4. The artists mentioned on it, to follow the bands and artists that young teenagers are interested in. I chose them from using my own music knowledge, and by looking at recent music charts.
  5. I also added the magazine price in the bottom right hand corner.
  6. The placement of the barcode, which i decided to place under the Issue No.

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