Wednesday 23 March 2011

Music magazine: Double page spread plan.

I was originally going to structure my double page spread like this, following the same theme as similar magazines. My double page spread was going to follow the same layout as Sugar as they are the magazine that is most like my own, but after making my draft, i realised that i had to modify it to suit my music magazine.
This is the new plan that i will follow when making my double page spread. I feel that it will work better for my music magazine, than the previous plan, as the photographs that i have taken and chosen to go on my double page spread will have more room, and less text, as previously, there was too much space for text, which is unusual in the magazines that i have previously researched. Below i have included the quotes, subheadings, and quotes that i will include on my double page spread.

“Even from when I was young, I’ve always loved performing.” – Title
For Josie Stuart, it seems that her musical career is taking off, and it has no intention of coming back down. Despite her unconventional choice of instrument, people can’t stop loving her… - Sub Heading 1
“Nothing short of a miracle.” – Sub Heading 2
“My family are all born performers; it just depends on what you consider entertainment…” – Quote
“I just love to see people smile, and if I’m the cause of it, then I feel I’ve accomplished something” – Small quote
“Download Josie’s latest single “Faraway Fields” for free on her official website” - Advertisement

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