Monday, 7 March 2011

Music magazine: The final front cover.

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This gif is to show the progression that the front cover for my music magazine went through. It shows my first initial draft, my second, and the end result.

This is my final front cover for my music magazine, and overall, i am quite pleased with the end result. I feel that by completing the minor changes at the end, i managed to create a music magazine that follows the same theme as other magazines aimed towards my target audience, as well as managing to tamper with a few things that needed to be addressed. Between my second draft and my final cover, i changed:
  • The photograph: After looking at Sugar magazine, i realised that the photos are very rarely symmetrical, and the model is usually either at an angle, or posing in a way that creates many angles. In an attempt to make mine less straight, i rotated the image a few degrees. I then moved it further over to the right.
  • I moved the price from the corner to over the image, and then outlined in white to ensure that it could be seen.
  • The advertisement for the "Top 50 Festivals to Attend in 2011" and "Sites for the Best Band Shirts" has been enlarged, and the font size is higher too, this was so that there would not be excess white space left where the image used to be.
  • The quote from the artist, "Josie Stuart" has been placed diagonally, as after researching Sugar magazine, i noticed that the text is hardly ever straight across the page.
  • I kept noticing that the ukelele's left side was being lost in the white background because of the way the light hit it, making it disappear. In Adobe Photoshop CS4, i used the Eyedropper Tool to select the orange from the right side of the ukelele, and then used the Brush Tool to draw a line around the edge of the instrument. I then used the Eyedropper Tool again to select the pale orange colour that is under the ukelele strings, and then carefully filled in the area around the newly drawn in left side of the ukelele.
  • "JOSIE STUART: BRINGING BACK THE UKE" has been slightly enlarged also. The quote text has been altered, and the small advertisement for the Gorillaz tour dates has been moved to the right slightly.

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