Monday, 1 November 2010

First set of photographs.

After researching various magazine covers and contents pages, i have taken a few pictures of my own that i will analyse and comment on. As my school magazine is aimed at an all girls secondary school, i have used three fellow students as my models.

I like that this picture is a close up of the students working, but the faces are almost completely hidden, mostly by their hair. They are all also quite close to each other, which makes it look quite uncomfortable. There could be more of a background, as there is only a small patch of grass and part of a wooden bench. Overall, this was a good practice shot, but it could not be used on my actual magazine. 

This image is similar to the first shot i took, in the sense that is quite close up with very little background. The faces are a little more visible due to the faces being tilted up slightly, but they are mostly covered by hair again. The background is the same, with only a little grass and a part of the wooden bench visible. To conclude, although this is an improvement when compared to the previous image, it is still not acceptable to be used on my school magazine.

This picture is a slight improvement from the previous image as there is more of a background. You can also see the faces of the students, and more of the work that they are looking at. Although they are still looking down, their faces are mostly still visible. The picture seems to be more clear than the previous image as more space has been used. In addition, the expressions on their faces are either neutral or quite happy, which would be the desired look i would want in my final photo.

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