Today we started to work with the camera's that had been brought in. We learnt how the amount of pixels effects the quality of picture taken, as does the amount of light. After this, we started working on the information for our school that our magazine would be based on.
School Magazine
Name of the school – Taversham’s Grammar School for Girls
Location - Dartford
Type of school - Secondary school that also teaches 6th form students. It specialises in Computing and Languages.
History - Taversham’s Grammar School for Girls is a secondary grammar school in Dartford, Kent, England, that has over 700 pupils. The school also teaches 6th form students. It was built in the 1950s, and was originally three houses belonging to the Regina family.
Target Audience - The teenage students, and their parents or guardians.
I like a lot about your blog design as it seems very clearly laid out and elegant. The choice of the image you have used is however problematic for me as i simply cannot see what the image is about. I suggest you make it larger and play a more dominent part in the design or change it